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  Peter Thiel thinks tech innovation has 'stalled'

Peter Thiel says the United States no longer cares much about science or technology(Credit: Declan McCullagh/CNET)ASPEN, Colo.--One of the Internet's most influential investors and entrepreneurs is offering a dire prediction: the pace of technological change is stagnating.Peter Thiel, a co-founder of PayPal and early investor in Facebook, warned that--despite spectacular advances in computer-related fields over the last few decades--technological progress overall is actually "stalled out.""There...

   Peter Thiel,PayPal,Technology,Stack,Inno     2011-08-24 08:42:42

  Obviously Correct

What do automatic memory management, static types and purity have in common? They are methods which take advantage of the fact that we can make programs obviously correct (for some partial definition of correctness) upon visual inspection. Code using automatic memory management is obviously correct for a class of memory bugs. Code using static types is obviously correct for a class of type bugs. Code using purity (no mutable references or side effects) isobviously c...

   Memory management,Code,Static,Purity     2011-11-07 08:13:05

  What Can We Learn From Dennis Ritchie?

As we noted earlier this week, one of the founding fathers of UNIX and the creator of C, Dennis Ritchie, passed away last weekend. While I feel that many in computer science and related fields knew of Ritchie’s importance to the growth and development of, well, everything to do with computing, I think it’s valuable to look back at his accomplishments and place him high in the CS pantheon already populated by Lovelace, Turing, and (although this crowing will be controversial, at lea...

   C,Father,Dennis Ritchie,Death,Father of C,UNIX     2011-10-17 10:12:02

  PHP Query String

Query string plays important role in building web applications, especially if you want to make nice urls without question mark and many key, value pairs, actually it is not so easy to design application with nice urls however it is always worth doing so, because it not only looks very proffessional, such URLs are search engine friendly, which means that they will get indexed faster but also it happens that search engines have problems with indexing pages with more then 3 key=value pairs in query...

   PHP,Query string,Request,Security     2011-10-01 02:23:15

  Create customized GitHub profile page

How long have you been using GitHub? Have you ever wondered whether one can customize his profile page with some fancy looking? Indeed GitHub allows developers to customize profile page through a secret repository. The secret is to create a repository with the same name as your GitHub username. And you will be granted into the work of customizing your own profile page. In this post, we will show a simple walk through on how to create it. Create secret repository As indicated by the term secret r...


  Cool HTML5 matrix effect

Do you still remember the movie The Matrix? Do you still remember the cool matrix effect in that movie? How is that effect achieved? Shaun Dunne shared a piece of HTML5 code which displays a cool matrix effect. The matrix demo can be found here. Below is the code which he achieves this effect: with var s = window.screen; var width = q.width = s.width; var height = q.height = s.height; var letters = Array(256).join(1).split(''); var draw = function () { q.getContext('2d').fillStyle='rgba(0,0,...

   Matrix,HTML5     2013-08-14 08:03:34

  Open Letter to sites with annoying interfaces

Remember those childhood games where you are given two nearly identical images and your objective was to find some number of subtle differences? Well, I shouldn't have to play that game when I'm using your damn website. I show here two examples of a common practice that is plaguing the modern web. First, a clipping from a project page on     And now the second image:     See the difference? My question is this: why? That edit button is the only component of...

   Web design,User interface,User friendly,Layout     2011-12-27 09:32:10

  20 free fonts for web design

1.Comfortaa2.Quicksand3.Fertigo Pro4.Telegrafico5.Forque6.Romeral7.Sling8.League Gothic9.Molot10.Junction11.Tertre12.Nevis13.Existence Light14.Mentone15.Walkaway16.Jalane Light17.Insolent18.Kaffeesatz19.Vollkorn20.Gnuolane原文出自:ITeye...

   Web design,Fonts,Comfortaa,Quicksand     2011-04-20 00:30:24

  Why do so many technical recruiters suck?

It’s Tuesday, I get a call from an unknown number.  There is a little hesitation, but I finally pick it up.  My number is listed on my business card and I feel like I should get these calls unless I am in a meeting.- Hi, is this Mike?- Yes, speaking….- Hi Mike!  How are you today?- Fine…- I am calling from XYZ Co, and we deal with recruiting and staff augmentation.  I was wondering if you are looking for software developers.We are in San Francisco and itââ...

   Recruitment,HR,Sucks,Tech recruiter     2011-11-13 08:22:02

  10 cool iOS app websites

No matter how big the iOS 7 design change is or no matter how unhappy you you fee about iOS 7, you cannot deny that iPhone is still the best phone on earth and App Store is the best software eco-system. There are lots of excellent apps on iOS, the overall quality of apps on iOS are better than other platforms. Some apps are also only available on iOS. These apps may also have excellent websites to promote. Now let take a look at some cool app websites. Currency Converter App TriplAgent  Pic...

   App Store,Website,Website design     2013-06-26 04:10:23